Privacy Policy of Jobboard-helper

What information does Jobboard-helper collect?

Jobboard-helper does NOT collect:

  • Personally identifiable information
  • Health information
  • Financial and payment information
  • Authentication information
  • Personal communications
  • Location
  • Web history
  • User activity

Jobboard-helper only temporarily collects the specific Website content which controlled by user and then save it to local system. That is it.

How does Jobboard-helper use the information?

Just save to user's local system.

What information does Jobboard-helper share?

No. Jobboard-helper shares nothing.

Jobboard-helper does not sell or transfer user data to third parties.

Jobboard-helper does not use or transfer user data for purposes that are unrelated to my item's single purpose.

Jobboard-helper does not use or transfer user data to determine creditworthiness or for lending purposes.